One culprit for early menopause and facial hair increases

Do you struggle with menstrual disorders, PMS, loss of hair, or have difficulties getting pregnant? Estrogen toxins may be responsible for your problems. They are also liable for migraines, weight fluctuations, brain fog, facial hair increases, Candida, and early menopause.

 In a healthy body, it is the liver that filters all waste deposits, including environmental toxins. However, when there are too many, the organ becomes overloaded and does not work as efficiently as it should. Estrogen toxins disrupt the body’s overall function and cause many health issues; they also affect our appearance and the way we feel. Until we know where they occur and learn how to remove them from our system effectively, there is little chance of improvement.

Not only in shampoo and food

 The problem is that estrogen toxins can be found almost everywhere; in food, cosmetics, water, plastic, detergents, and often in chemical sunscreens. It is estimated that food may contain over 100 different hormonal active pesticides. We cannot remove them under the influence of high temperatures or by hygienic food preparations.

Women are definitely in a worse situation than men here. They are daily users of cosmetics/creams available on the market. In addition to creams, estrogen toxins can be found in deodorants, shampoos, lotions, hair styling products, and nail care products. In men, these toxins mainly cause testosterone level disturbances, which, i.e., affect the quality and quantity of sperm produced.

 – “When estrogen toxins enter the body; depending on the toxin, they suppress the natural levels of different estrogens your body makes. For some, this means heavy menstrual bleeding; for others, it means no menstrual cycle at all, and sometimes it may present as cramping, infertility, or cysts (PCOS). They are the cause of fibrocystic disease as well. I also believe they are the root cause of breast cancer.” – explains Dr. Ben Johnson.

Dr. Johnson clarifies the danger increases when some of the listed symptoms occur, and women are given hormone medication, thereby increasing estrogen levels simultaneously the toxins are present.

– “The reason your body lowers estrogen in the presence of these toxins is to protect you from more severe outcomes.” – he added.


Activated charcoal is not the only tool to fight toxins

So what do you do to restore the body’s hormonal balance and remove estrogen toxins? You should follow a few rules.

 Try to eat organic foods, including meat that is hormone-free and so without pesticides. Do not use plastic containers. If you can, filter the water, don’t use tap water or those in plastic bottles. However, the water filter should be of good quality.

In addition, let’s make sure that your diet includes flaxseeds, leafy greens, eggs, fish and fish oils, fenugreek, licorice root, green tea, cauliflower, and broccoli. However, for the diet to bring the desired result, we would have to eat substantial amounts of each of these products, which is often impossible.

The most effective in the fight against estrogen toxins are supplements that use activated charcoal. These absorb toxins and chemicals in the body and prevent them from accumulating. One of the best on the market is Skin Defense by Osmosis Beauty. In addition to activated charcoal, it contains DIM (Diindolylmethane) supporting hormone balance, Glutathione, and many other substances that combat estrogenic toxins and heavy metals, pesticides, chlorine contained in water and remove the toxic effects of plastics from the body. 

The manufacturer is very convinced of its results and guarantees ovulation in infertility back, usually within 3 months. It all depends on how many toxins the woman has in her body. 

Depending on the toxicity of the body, the product should be used for at least 3 months (3 tablets per day). In some cases, as in PCOS should be taken for 1-2 years. 

 It does not matter in what way you chose to remove estrogen toxins. The most important thing is doing this as it is the only way to control the body’s health and natural balance.

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