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Privacy Policy
We are very pleased that you trusted us and provided us with your personal data. We would like to assure you that we will take all reasonable measures to protect your personal data. Below you will find information on the processing of your personal data by us (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Privacy Policy”) in a situation when:
- you visit our website: https://thetruefountainofyouth.com,
- you contact us, personally, by traditional mail or using e-mail,
- you create an account on our forum,
- you post comments under articles on the website.
1. Data Controller
1.1. The data controller of your personal data processed in accordance with this Privacy Policy Katarzyna Zawadzka, email address katherine8385@gmail.com (hereinafter referred to as “the Controller”, “We”, “Us”).
1.2. In matters regarding your personal data, you can contact us:
- by e-mail: info@thetruefountainofyouth.com
2. Purpose and legal basis of processing of personal data
2.1. We will process your personal data that we obtain in situations covered by this Privacy Policy for the following purposes:
- to respond to inquiries sent to us, or to messages sent to our contact details – based on our legitimate interest as a personal data controller,
- to analyse the use of the website, as well as to improve its functioning and security – based on our legitimate interest as a personal data controller,
- to pursue and defend against claims, before courts and administrative authorities and outside them – based on our legitimate interest as a personal data controller,
- for direct marketing of products or services – based on our legitimate interest if we have an existing business relationship with you (e.g. you are a registered user of our forum), and if we are just going to establish such a relationship based on your consent (from the time the consent is given for no longer than until its withdrawal),
- to create an account for you to use our forum or post comments on our website – based on the necessity to fulfil a contract entered into with you when you accept our terms & conditions.
- to perform obligations imposed by law – e.g. laws on personal data protection and on providing services through electronic means.
3. Data processed for contact purposes – scope of processing
In the event that you decide to contact us using our email addresses, phone numbers, or traditionally by mail, or in person, as well as in situations where we have the right to contact you ( e.g. for marketing purposes), we will process personal data that you provide to us or are necessary to respond to your inquiry (including identification and contact details), or which we have in connection with the relationship that connects us or we have collected from publicly available sources. We process these data due to the fact that they are necessary to fulfil the obligations arising from the above-mentioned provisions or to pursue the legitimate interests of the Controller, i.e.:
- in order to reply to a message sent to us and further contact with you,
- in order to create an account for you so that you can use our forum or post comments at our website,
- for direct marketing of own and third party products and services (in a situation where we do not have your consent to the processing of data for marketing purposes),
- for archiving and backing up data in connection with the obligation imposed on us as a data controller to properly protect data).
4. Data processed in connection with the use of our website – scope of processing
If you use the website https://thetruefountainofyouth.com/, we save data such as: IP address, type and version of the device and browser you use, language, region, website settings, choices made in the area of cookies, and how you use the website. In most cases, we will not be able to identify you as a user and this data will be anonymous to us. However, in a situation where we are able to connect them with you, which may occur when we have additional data from another source (e.g. we will save such data when you create an account on our website), they become your personal data for us. We process these data
- due to the fact that they are necessary for purposes resulting from legitimate interests pursued by us, that is in particular:
- adjusting the way the website is displayed and personalizing it,
- saving data from forms to preserve the session and facilitate the use of the website,
- analysing the website’s behaviour to improve its functioning and protect against abuse,
- based on your consent – if this data is used for marketing purposes and we do not have an existing business relationship, or when it is collected to provide it to third parties.
5. How long we process personal data
Your personal data will be processed:
- to contact you – from the day they were collected and as long as we are holding the conversation in the matter in which you made contact,
- for marketing purposes – for the duration of our legitimate interest, i.e. the duration of the relationship that connects us or until consent is withdrawn, if it was given to us,
- for the purposes of pursuing and defending against claims – for a period not exceeding the limitation period for claims,
- for the purposes of performing obligations imposed by law – for a period not longer than necessary to demonstrate that these obligations were carried out by the Controller,
- for the purpose of improving the functioning and security of the https://thetruefountainofyouth.com/ – for the time for which these data are necessary to achieve this purpose, but no longer than until you express an effective objection to their processing,
- for the purpose of creating an account at our website – for the time from creating an account at our website to the time when the account is deleted,
- for the purpose of archiving data – for the time as defined in our internal data retention policy.
6. Data recipients
We will use due diligence in the selection of entities to which we will transfer your data and in the case of such selected entities we will require that they protect your data by appropriate technical and organizational measures. Your personal data may only be disclosed:
- to third parties providing services to us that are needed to achieve the purposes in relation to which we process your data (e.g. IT services such as AutO’Mattic A8C Ireland Ltd. – provider of WordPress, electronic communication, hosting – the Endurance International Group, Inc.),
- to recipients to whom the disclosure is required by applicable law or order of a court or other authority,
- to other recipients, if you give us your consent to disclose data to them or if the transfer of data to them is necessary to protect your vital interests or vital interests of other individuals or for the common good.
7. Transfer of data to third countries
Your personal data may be transferred to entities outside the European Economic Area (EEA), including the USA, with whom we cooperate. Whenever your personal data is transferred outside the European Economic Area (EEA) or to countries that do not provide the same or an adequate level of protection for personal data, we will ensure that this is done on the basis of a valid legal basis and using the safeguards required by law.
8. Links to third party-websites
The website also includes links to third-party websites. When you visit these pages different rules apply than those described here in the field of personal data processing, as well as someone else is the data controller of data processed there. We recommend that you read the rules applicable to the processing of personal data published by the administrators of these websites.
9. Plug-ins
The website uses social media plugins. By using the website, your device’s IP address and an identifier of the browser you use are transmitted to the providers of these social media. Thanks to this integration, service providers receive information that your browser has displayed our website, even if you do not have a profile with a given service provider or are not currently logged into it. Clicking on social media plugins additionally establishes a direct connection to the servers of the media providers who can collect other data from your device. Please note that we have no influence on what data is collected by providers of social media when you click on their plug-in. For more information regarding the purpose and scope of data collected by these entities and how your personal data is processed, used, protected, including your rights and possible options to protect your privacy, please visit:
- Facebook Ireland Ltd. Ireland: https://pl-pl.facebook.com/privacy/explanation. We point out that together with Facebook Ireland Limited (hereinafter “Facebook”) theController acts as a joint-controller in the field of data processing for the purposes of statistics. Information on the principles of joint-controllership of data by thee Controller and Facebook can be found on this page https://www.facebook.com/legal/terms/page_controller_addendum. Information on how Facebook processes personal data for the purposes of statistics is available here https://www.facebook.com/legal/terms/information_about_page_insights_data.
- Twitter, Inc., USA: https://twitter.com/en/privacy.
- Pinterest Europe Ltd. Ireland: https://policy.pinterest.com/pl/privacy-policy.
10. Data subject rights
For each of the following rights, you can contact us in particular using the contact details provided in section 1 of the Privacy Policy.
- The right to obtain information, access to data and to receive a copy of the data. You have the right at any time to request information about your personal data that we store or to which we have access. At your request, a copy of your personal data that is subject to processing will be presented to you free of charge. For sending each subsequent copy of data we have the right to request a fee that will cover the reasonable costs of handling such a request.
- Right to withdraw consent. Each time your data is processed based on your consent given, you have the right to withdraw this consent at any time, whereas withdrawal of consent will not affect the lawfulness of data processing that happened before you withdraw your consent.
- The right to rectify personal data. We take reasonable steps to ensure that your personal data is correct, complete and up to date. If it is necessary to change these data, please let us know.
- Right to data portability. You have the right to request the transfer of your personal data in a structured, commonly used machine-readable format, as well as to request the transfer of data to another data controller, when your consent is the legal basis for the processing of your personal data.
- The right to delete data and to limit processing. In the cases indicated in the provisions of law on the protection of personal data, you have the right to request the deletion of your personal data. However, this right is not absolute – there may be occasions when we are still entitled to process your personal data. You can also request a restriction on the further processing of your data.
- Right to object to processing. In the cases indicated in the provisions of law, you have the right to object to the further processing of your data when the legal basis for the processing of personal data is our legitimate interest.
- The right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. You have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory body dealing with the protection of personal data.
11. Google Analytics and other tracking devices
The website https://thetruefountainofyouth.com/ uses tools that may monitor and save information about your activity at our website, such as local storage, session storage, cookies from external service providers (Google, Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter). The entity using these tools is the website administrator, i.e. the Controller as well as third parties as indicated above.
The website uses the tools indicated above for various purposes, including:
- to adapt the way the page is displayed to the devices, software and users’ preferences as well as the settings selected by them,
- to monitor how users use the Website and to improve its functioning,
- to personalize the content offered,
- to remember the data that you put in forms until the end of a session.
- to target better tailored content displayed to users via other websites (marketing purpose).
We use the following types of cookies:
- analytical cookies that investigate user behavior on the website;
- functional cookies enabling to remember the settings selected by the user and personalization, i.a. in terms of the selected language or the cookies options you select.;
- third-party cookies – the devices used may also store cookies from other entities, marketing cookies used to tailor the displayed ads to your preferences. Our partners – Google, Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter use cookies for advertising and remarketing purposes or for authentication of users. They can use cookies to show users specific content, including ads tailored to their preferences.
Cookies and other tools we use are not used to process or store personal data and are not intended to directly identify you. They also do not change the user’s browser settings or change the configuration of the user’s device. Exceptional situations, when data collected using cookies may be considered as your personal data, as well as your related rights, are described in detail in the relevant part of the Privacy Policy.
Ways to disable cookies
By accessing our website, you have the option of giving your consent to the use of cookies for marketing purposes and cookies from third parties. Even if you have already agreed, you can still use the options described below. Any user can disable cookies in their web browser. In order to facilitate the way of managing cookies, below are links to some pages dedicated to specific browsers.
- Google Chrome – https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?Every=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&hl=en
- Opera – https://help.opera.com/en/latest/web-preferences/#cookies
- Firefox – https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/enable-and-disable-cookies-website-preferences
- Apple Safari – https://support.apple.com/en-us/guide/safari/manage-cookies-and-website-data-sfri11471/mac
- Windows Internet Explorer – https://support.microsoft.com/fil-ph/help/17442/windows-internet-explorer-delete-manage-cookies
Users can also set their browsers in a way so that they have to accept cookies each time. Then, the browser will ask the user for permission to grant access each time before granting access to the cookie. This gives the user control over what is stored on his device, however, it has the disadvantage that it slows down the ability to navigate the website and other websites.
You have the option of disabling the transfer of your data for analytical and statistical purposes using Google Analytics. To do this, you can install the browser extension in accordance with the instructions at this address: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/181881?hl=en.