Humongous lips overtake and would sag in time

– ‘’I want my lips to look like Kylie or Angelina Jolie’’ – these are the most common requests that aesthetic medicine specialists hear from their patients who want to enlarge them. Most injecting clinicians would never overfill the lips to make them disproportionate to the entire face, and if the patient insists, they are referred to a psychologist. However, some clinicians have less extensive knowledge of how much filler to use and do not try to convince clients of the importance of aesthetic results and correct facial proportions. The effect is often tragic as, with time, their crazy-looking lips will start to droop.

Filler and maintaining the proper balance of the face

The lips attract attention and send a non-verbal message about our attractiveness to others.  People known for their beautiful lips include: Brigitte Bardot; Monica Bellucci; Scarlett Johansson; Jessica Alba; Priyanka Chopra and Angelina Jolie. However, not everyone is endowed with such beautiful lips naturally. Sometimes lips are thin, delicate, or their line is barely visible. This group, more than others, opt to undergo a treatment with hyaluronic acid or collagen. Unfortunately, these people are swayed by what celebrities do to themselves and lose a sober assessment of what is attractive and even ask the doctor, while injecting, to cross the border between the lips and the skin – vermilion border-, which gives an exceptionally artificial effect to the lips.

When it comes to lip augmentation, we should trust the experts and not follow what famous people do, because everyone has a different  facial structure, and the use of a filler does not suit everyone’s face.

 – We are fully aware that young clients can be influenced by celebrities or peers, such as the trend of ‘big lips’ on young adults. What is not spoken about to these young adults is that plumping up the lips as big as possible can permanently stretch the skin and cause the lips to sag once the filler degrades – warns Lucy Hall from Medifine Aesthetics in England – We have a professional responsibility and duty of care to our clients, to only treat where we think is in their best interest – she stated.


The effect of hyaluronic acid depends on placement

To avoid lip filler disasters and achieving humungous looking lips trust your specialist. They know what they are doing and if they advise you that large lips would not suit you, it means they may have a valid reason.

It is better to choose a conservative approach, as minor adjustments can be done without disastrous results. Remember that the anatomy of the lips is complex – they are filled with muscles, labial arteries, and fat tissue. And it is easy for someone not properly qualified to make an error (filler injections are also made by beauty therapists!)

Hyaluronic acid, depending on the method used and its placement, i.e.,to the dermis, or more superficial intra-dermally applications, can shape or plump the tissue. It can fill the lips, provide nutrients to the skin, or increase its dermal strength. 

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